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Silent Planet Interview – Warped Tour 2016

Enoch Magazine had the chance to talk with , the singer of the band Silent Planet (Solid State Records), at Warped Tour 2016 in Dallas, TX. Silent Planet (Solid State Records) is Garrett Russell- Vocals and Screaming Twitter – @TylerCarter4L | Instagram – tylercarter4l Alex Camarena – Drums Twitter – @therettes | Instagram – therettes […]

Issues Interview – Warped Tour 2016

Issues talk about how they prepared more for Warped Tour 2016, how they’ve helped the homeless, the good and bad of bands and social media, and what jobs their parents work.

Bad Seed Rising Interview – Warped Tour 2016

Francheska Pastor, singer of Bad Seed Rising (Roadrunner / Atlantic Records) talked with Enoch Magazine at the first day of the 2016 Vans Warped Tour in Dallas. Francheska tells us about how she keeps stuff to help the homeless in car, her fears of being on the 2016 Vans Warped Tour, and how a band […]

Ventura Pastors help migrant workers

“Enoch Magazine travels to Ventura, CA to document a Christian pastor preaching to migrant trailer park communities.” Presented by: www.enochmagazine.com Documenting: Embrace Church in Oxnard, CA. www.embracejesus.org Donald Trump’s statements to toughen America’s southern boarder has brought much attention to controversies surrounding: illegal immigrants, illegal aliens, undocumented workers, migrant farm workers; (common terms). If you […]

God stops bullets during suicide

While we were filming a video about a church that feed the homeless, we met David. David was a soft spoken man and active with the church and it’s outreach. The pastor said we should capture his story about “why he was alive.” WE didn’t know what that meant, but we turned on the cameras […]

Pastor chains up church to keep members out

Enoch Magazine caught up Baptist assocation rep Port Wilburn in the San Francisco Bay Area. A “rogue” pastor in San Francisco / Daly City has locked up the church. This is due to a battle over the property. Port Wilburn, of the San Francisco Peninsula Baptist Association, is called in to help save the church […]

Warped Tour Interview with Say Anything

Say Anything was cool enough to hang out with Enoch Magazine while on tour, (Vans Warped Tour ’08) and answer our questions about music, religion, and homelessness. Max even talked about their new album in the works and some of the difference choices he made in writing it. There’s even a brief cameo by a […]

Skid Row: Union Rescue Mission with CEO Andy Bales

While helping out on Skid Row Enoch Magazine had the chance to interview Andy Bales, CEO, of the Union Rescue Mission Mission on Skid Row. Listen to Andy talk about getting fired from his church because he had such a strong passion for the homeless.

Less Than Jake – EP 1 – Summon Monsters

Enoch Magazine travels to St. Louis to interview Vinnie from Less Than Jake and film their live show at the Pageant Theater. Watch them perform Summon Monsters off their new album and listen to Vinnie’s experiences with the homeless In Cleveland.


World Impact – SF, CA

World Impact is a national non-profit organization focused on strengthening the urban church and transforming under-resourced communities.


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Enoch Magazine is a non profit 501c3 and we survive off donations


Union Rescue Mission

Helping the homeless on the streets of Skid Row in Downtown Los Angeles